
Asteroids blast:

A clone of the arcade game "Asteroids" from Atari. Written on javascript using webGL 1.0 as my final grade project.

Initially it was made to communicate with a backend server to get and post achievements for the user and his final score. But i remove this functionality to be able to work offline.

There are some issues with some browsers, in firefox the framerate is very limited. And because it was salvage from my project it could contain some bugs.

Still, it was my first project using webGL from scratch.

Controls: K to shoot, WASD to move, ESC to pause and exit the game.

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Chip 8 emulator:

A simple chip8 emulator, it's not very precise and also it doesn't emulate super chip instructions, but it was a fun project.

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A phisarum simulation using as a base.

Image Functions:

Simple C++ program to create images programmatically

It just a mini-project to create images like the Barnley Fern

Barnsley Fern
Barnsley Fern encrypted with Rijndael ECB

Examples of Barnsley Fern